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  Copyright Shane Rynhart 2012

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  Cover image by Flickr user ‘sensechange’

  Image used fairly under a Creative Commons Attribution license

  Thank you for downloading this short story, a preview of Shane Rynhart’s debut short story anthology Not Quite Normal. To find out more about the author or the Not Quite Normal project, please visit

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  Report in The Daily Times, Sunday, 16th March, 2008



  Police cordoned off the Endeavour Science Facility in the heart of town last night after an armed raid by animal rights activists resulted in an accident in one of their labs. The centre, which specialises in stem cell research and animal testing, refused to explain the exact details of the incident. However, in a statement, the chairman of Endeavour, Sir Victor Hallett, said that a “minor incident occurred in one of our labs just after seven o’ clock last evening. It should be made clear, however, that no injuries were sustained in the raid or accident and the whole thing is now entirely under control. Do not worry. Everything is OK.” Police were...

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  Endeavour Science Facility, internal e-mail to all employees from Sir Victor Hallett, 19:39, Saturday 15th March 2008

  Subject: Problem in Sector 4

  We’ve had a bit of a breakout in Sector 4. Well, quite a serious one, really. Please stay in your offices. We’re trying to find the subject at the moment, and we expect the situation to be resolved within the hour. Until then, we’re in code burgundy lockdown. If you see the subject, do not approach it or attempt to apprehend it in any way. Endeavour Science is, don’t forget, not to be held accountable for any loss of limbs or life in such a situation.

  --Sir V.H

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  Work log, Dr. Henry Carter, Saturday 15th March 2008, extracts. (Note: all Endeavour employees, due to the nature of their work, are required to keep up-to-date, informal, ‘work logs’ as part of their contracts every hour on the hour.)


  I can’t believe they’ve called me in today. On a Saturday. Honestly, I was supposed to go and see the Daemons play today. Stupid late kick offs. Oh well, here we go.


  Well, this is a good use of my time, isn’t it? Everything looks to be running pretty smoothly with Experiment #372653678346. All readings normal. Perhaps the voltometer is set a little high, but I don’t think that’ll radically alter the results. If there are any results to alter anyway. I’ve got Tim and Paul watching over it, but I’ll hang around a little longer to make sure they’ve got it covered.


  About half an hour ago the figures started spiking randomly. Tim told me it’d been happening all day, but I put it down to stress. The man needs a break. Ah well. All seems to be getting back in hand once again. Probably just a software glitch.


  Worse. I have no idea what’s happening. In all my years of doing this, I have never seen such unusual readings. The experiment appears to be becoming - and I can’t believe I’m writing this - sentient. Coming to life. This could be the greatest scientific breakthrough in mankind’s history, the culmination of my life’s work. But myself, Tim and Paul are attempting to sedate it now. Slow the process down a bit. If this thing wakes up, we’ll all be for the chop. Perhaps literally. I should start to think about the fastest routes to the exit.

  * * * * *

  Transcript of conversation between Dr. Henry Carter, Dr. Timothy Sutherland and Dr. Paul Buchanan, Endeavour Science Facility Sector 4. 19:25 Saturday 15th March 2008. Conversation was recorded by microphone hidden by Endeavour Science in a coffee cup.


  Any progress?


  Jesus Hen, I hope you left a window open.


  Yeah, whatever. Has there been any progress?


  No, not really. It’s just the same. I swear I saw an eyelid flicker a few minutes ago, though. Seriously, I think we should just cut the-


  No. This thing could win us a Nobel Prize. Besides, Hallett specifically said that 372653...etc. was not to be cut, no matter what happened. We’ll be sacked if we do.


  And we’ll be dead if we don’t.


  ...the hell?


  Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.


  Hen, what are you doing?


  Texting the wife. I don’t think I’ll be home in time for tea.


  Wouldn’t have thought so, no...


  Oh. Oh God. Run.

  * * * * *

  Text Message, Henry Carter to Veronica Carter, 19:27, Saturday 15th March 2008

  Hi love. will b l8 home. bit of a prob wiv an experiment. could b a while. dont w8 up. xx

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  Transcript of telephone conversation between Henry Carter and Victor Hallett, 19:33 Saturday 15th March 2008. All telephone conversations at Endeavour are recorded for ‘training purposes’.




  Vic. It’s Henry.




  Carter. Sector 4. Experiment 37265…etc.? We have known each other for fourteen years, Vic.


  Ah yes. I remember of course. Getting on a bit now, you see. What can I do you for?


  Well, some help would be nice. We’ve got a little situation down here.


  Situation? What kind of situation?


  Um...a bit of broken glass. And a giant sentient experiment walking round.


  Is that all?




  Yes! Surely you can remember the old safety measures?


  Well, yes but...


  Well what more do you need? I’ll send an e-mail around, you put the 3726...whatever it is to sleep, and we’ll all be home in time for the Match of the Day.


  So no help?


  Surely you can take care of a little breakout by yourself? And those two strong lab assistants you’ve got down there?




  …can I take that to mean you have only one strong lab assistant?

  Carter:, uh, could say that. Fuck. Paul...


  OK, I’m convinced you’re genuine. Can’t take too many chances, hmm? You and the, uh, not dead one, should head down to the armoury.


  We have an armoury?

  Sutherland (very faint):

  Hen?! Get the fuck over here! Paul’s had his arms ripped off! Jesus Christ, I’m going to be sick.


  Follow the orange lines. It’s not far from Sector 4. Just past the rabbit and hamster cages, if memory serves. Then just shoot it. Simple! But Courty - under no circumstances should you kill the experiment. This could put Endeavour on the map at last. I’ll leave you to it. I’m sure it’s all in hand. Good luck!



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  Voice recording (D
ictaphone) by Henry Carter, Saturday 15th March 2008, no time given

  I’ve never bothered using this thing before – what’s the point when we have to do work logs? I hope to God that it’s recording. Anyway, this might well be the last thing I ever do, so I’ll try and keep this short.

  Earlier on tonight, we had a breakout in Sector 4, where we perform our life-imbuing experiments. ‘Under the counter’, of course, but overseen personally by Sir Victor Hallett. I want to stress that point.

  One of the subjects, which Sir Victor told us specifically to take care of, came to life. That sounds completely crazy. Frankenstein stuff. Anyway, it was angry. Really angry. killed Paul. It fucking killed him. It was going to come after me and Tim, but we managed to get away. Sir Victor told us to head to Endeavour’s ‘armoury’, which I never even knew existed until a short while ago, and…uh, ‘secure’ the creature before it could get out or hurt anyone else. So we did.

  We’re in the armoury at the moment. We somehow seem to have managed to lose the creature, which is probably a good thing. But if it gets upstairs or, God forbid, out, I’ll never be able to forgive myself. So we’re going hunting. It’s dangerous, for sure, but if we don’t nip this in the bud then who knows what could happen? I know Sir Victor has said not to kill it, but we must. Prizes and money aren’t everything. A person has fucking died tonight, and more could be at risk.

  Tim’s loaded himself up with shotguns and revolvers like he’s Bruce Willis (I hope to God he knows what he’s doing), but I’ve only got a pistol so that I can move faster. I hope it’s enough. I have no idea what it could take to kill this thing. One shot? Two? Ten? It could even be invincible for all I know.

  I’m worrying about things that might never happen now. I’ll leave this tape here. Hopefully someone will find it. If this is all that remains... goodbye to everyone I love, I suppose. God that sounds so...

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  Telephone conversation, anonymous caller to 999 emergency services, Saturday 15th March 2008, 19:56


  Hello? What’s your emergency?


  Um, hi, I’d like to report a shooting please.


  A shooting? Where did this take place?


  Well, I say a shooting, what I really mean is that I heard some shots being fired at the Endeavour Science Facility. It might be animal rights protestors or something. I’ve seen some of them hanging around outside for the last few days.


  You’re sure they were shots?


  Absolutely. I heard someone cry out in pain afterwards. They woke my daughter up.


  Have you been to check if anyone’s injured?


  Of course not. I’d rather not be shot, thank you.


  Uh, no, of course not madam. In fact, you’re very wise not to do so. I’m just trying to get as much information as possible. A firearms team will be over at Endeavour shortly. Until then, I recommend you stay indoors.


  Thank you.

  * * * * *

  E-mail, Henry Carter to Sir Victor Hallett. Saturday 15th March 2008, 20:01 (sent via mobile phone)


  Here’s the latest work log that you so graciously requested. I apologise for the slight delay, but I have some important matters to deal with.


  At approximately 19:30, experiment number 372653678346 woke up and went mad. It killed one of my scientists, Dr. Paul Buchanan, whilst I was on the phone to Sir Victor Hallett, who was most unhelpful in the situation. Myself and Dr. Timothy Sutherland headed off to the Endeavour Science armoury, where we tooled up. Then, we went looking for the subject. We found it, and shot it. It kept coming. We ran. Eventually we got to the car park. Dr. Sutherland had to drop most of his gear en route to keep ahead of the subject. Unfortunately, he tripped. I attempted to shoot the experiment, but it did nothing. In fact, due to a lack of firearms training, I am not even sure if I managed to hit the experiment. Dr. Sutherland was dragged off, and although I tried to save him, you’ll be, I feel, pleased to hear that 372653678346 is incredibly fast and I could not catch it. Currently, I’m huddled in an outbuilding waiting for inevitable death.

  Happy now?


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  Statement to police by Henry Carter, Saturday 15th March 2008, 22:30 (extract)

  After the creature took Tim off, I managed to hide in the security shack. Luckily it was empty: it seemed that Sir Victor had decided on an evacuation after all. Either that or the guard had the night off or something. Actually, I’m not sure I saw anyone else at work that evening anyway.

  I realise that hiding was probably the cowardly thing to do, but this thing had killed two of my best friends: I wasn’t going to let it get me as well. I must’ve been in there about half an hour.

  Then I heard sirens. I looked on one of the grainy CCTV monitors and saw police cars outside. I thought you’d be my saviours, but then you arrested me! Me! I’m telling you, the gun belonged to Endeavour and I only fired it in self defence. It’s hard to believe, but I swear on my life that every word of this statement is true.

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  Conclusion of mental health analysis on Henry Carter, written by Dr. Harold Tapper, Sunday 16th March 2008

  The doctor appears to have suffered some form of mental breakdown. Upon investigation of Endeavour Science, the authorities could find no trace of this ‘monster’, nor any indication of a violent attack. Furthermore, there was no evidence of life experimentation procedures, and documents have confirmed that there has never been either a Dr. Timothy Sutherland or Dr. Paul Buchanan working for Endeavour. As such, the only conclusion can be that Dr. Carter be sectioned under the Mental Health Act and be subject to further treatment at a later date.

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  Report in The Daily Times, Wednesday, 19th March, 2008



  Another murder has been committed in town. Last night, a young woman, who has not yet been identified, was found strangled. A black mark was found on her neck.

  This trace is proof of a link between two other murders that have previously occurred this week. Despite several eyewitness reports, however, the police have no leads. However, police have asked members of the public to be on the lookout for a “tall man in tattered clothing, possibly with a limp.” If anyone has any information, they should call...

  The End

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  If you enjoyed this story, please visit for more information on the author. Not Quite Normal, Shane Rynhart’s debut short story anthology, will be released digitally soon. Thank you for reading.